The Institute’s research and insight gives an independent, expert perspective on the key issues affecting customer experience.
We help you understand the evolving customer environment, highlight the characteristics of excellent service, measure and benchmark your customer satisfaction, with practical insight and recommendations to improve.
This research report contains compelling current insights about the relationship between customer satisfaction and business performance, factors that influence this in different sectors, and key areas of focus that have enabled companies to achieve consistently high levels of customer satisfaction and sustainable business performance.
Download the full research report hereÂ
The UK Customer Satisfaction Index
The UKCSI is an independent benchmark and the UK’s go to source of knowledge for customer experience.
It’s the national barometer of customer satisfaction published twice a year by The Institute of Customer Service since 2008. It is an independent, objective customer satisfaction benchmark on a consistent set of measures on over 270 organisations and organisation types in 13 sectors. The UKCSI gives an objective view of customer satisfaction in the UK, providing a unique way of tracking and comparing customer satisfaction performance across the UK economy.
Our Research & Insight Capabilities
Measuring Customer Satisfaction in the UK
Measuring your customer satisfaction
and benchmarking with the UKCSI
Measuring your employees’ perception
of your customer experience
Understanding customer needs, behaviours, attitudes and the customer experience environment
Understanding your customers’ needs, behaviours and attitudes
As well as our published research, we undertake projects on behalf of member organisations, to help them better understand their customers and improve their performance.
Our industry leading Breakthrough Research covers topics of vital interest for CEOs, customer experience leaders and professionals. Our Insight Consultancy provides tailored solutions to understand your customers and data, map and measure your customer experience, develop improvement plans and track their impact on customer satisfaction and business performance.