Below you can find recent media coverage and events for The Institute. If you would like to discuss a media opportunity with us or request a comment, please get in touch.
Time to tackle abuse of insurance staff
Our CEO Jo Causon penned an opinion piece in the Insurance Post discussing our latest research into and government engagement around abuse of public-facing staff, with a focus on the financial services industry.
Open letter urges government to record assaults on public service workers in official statistics
Our CEO Jo Causon is quoted in an article by retail-focused publication The Grocer, discussing our recent open letter calling…
Nearly one-third (31%) of UK service workers consider leaving their role after abuse
New data from the Institute of Customer Service finds 20% of those experiencing hostility have taken sick leave in the…
Jo Causon on BBC Radio 5’s Wake up to Money
The Institute’s CEO Jo Causon appeared on BBC Radio 5’s Wake up to Money to discuss our Service with…
Retail giants call for abuse protection for staff
The Institute’s Service with Respect campaign is highlighted in an article by BBC News, where it reports that more…
Third of shop staff could quit jobs after assaults and abuse amid surge in verbal and physical attacks
The Institute’s latest Service with Respect research and open letter from UK businesses and Parliamentarians was covered in the Daily…
The Telegraph: Self-checkouts to wipe out hundreds of Christmas jobs
The Institute’s CEO Jo Causon comments in an article focused on the rise of self-checkout machines in supermarkets, where she…
BBC Radio 5 Wake up to Money: Jo Causon as business guest
Jo Causon was the business guest on BBC Radio 5’s Wake up to Money, commenting on the latest business…
BBC Radio 4 You and Yours: Expert Comment by Jo Causon
Listen to Jo Causon on BBC Radio 4’s You and Yours, where she discussed the recent decline in customer service…
The Telegraph: ‘I called up Barclays for help, but the WFH agent was too busy with her dog’
The Institute of Customer Service’s UK Customer Service Index results featured in a Telegraph article discussing challenges faces by customers…