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Leadership to lead team members, business direction to achieve goal or target, teamwork to success in work, businessman leader holding winner flag running lead business people on pointing finger.

Defining leadership

What qualities define a good leader? In uncertain and volatile times, it’s a more relevant question than ever. Businesses need strong leaders to navigate through the challenges that confront them, staff look to leaders to provide clarity and direction, while…

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Illustration of people walking over a cliff

The urgent need for moral leadership

In times of crisis, when uncertainty is rife, leaders who can inspire trust and temper anxiety are indispensable. Given how tumultuous the world is, the need for robust and moral leadership feels more critical than ever. Unfortunately, positive examples in…

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Illustration of earth with individuals standing in front of it pointing at the letters ESG

A robust ESG approach can strengthen customer satisfaction

Our research shows customer purchasing decisions are increasingly influenced by an organisation’s Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) agenda, despite some of the more recent challenging headlines. The results of our latest UKCSI show a direct correlation between an organisation’s positive…

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