Below you can find recent media coverage and events for The Institute. If you would like to discuss a media opportunity with us or request a comment, please get in touch.
A time for giving: Macmillan is top charity for satisfying customers and donors
A new report from The Institute reveals that Macmillan has secured top spot amongst UK charities, based on the experiences consumers have in their interactions with UK charities.
Amazon tops the charts for satisfied customers
For the second year running, Amazon is the organisation with the highest levels of customer satisfaction in the country, according to the latest UK Customer Satisfaction Index (UKCSI) from The Institute of Customer Service.
Customer satisfaction rise underpins Tesco financial recovery
Tesco is today revealed as the most improved UK supermarket, with the company’s upsurge in financial fortunes driven by a rise in customer satisfaction.
Customer satisfaction in the automotive industry is on the up, but businesses urged to ‘get it right first time’
The latest UKCSI gives the UK’s automotive industry an overall customer satisfaction rating of 78.9 out of 100, 0.6 points higher than its July 2015 score.
UK public sector leaders call for shared vision to improve customer service, despite financial pressures
UK public sector leaders are calling for a shared vision for improving customer service, according to a new report from the Institute.
Customer complaints see 8-fold rise on social media
One in four social media users in the UK used platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Google+ to make a complaint over the past 3 months, according to the latest report published by The Institute of Customer Service.